• Idioma es exacto "Inglés"
Nueve indicadores de alfabetización informacional establecidos por la AASL/ALA.

Propuesta de rol realizada por la American Association of School Librarians (ALA) para la integración del bibliotecario a la gestión escolar

Sinópsis estadística de los términos mas buscados en el Google, clasificadas según tipos de términos de búsqueda.


Intersante weblog sobre tecnología en el ámbito de las bibliotecas y los servicios documentales

MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media describes the structure of MARC 21 records, the character repertoires and encodings used, and the formatting of records for exchange on via electronic file transfer, diskettes, and magnetic tape. This document provides technical information on these topics and is intended for the use of personnel involved in the design and maintenance of systems for the exchange and processing of MARC 21 records.

MODELS is a UKOLN initiative supported by the Electronic Libraries Programme and the British Library. It is motivated by the recognised need to develop an applications framework to manage the rapidly multiplying range of distributed heterogeneous information resources and services being offered to libraries and their users.

Revised from the ISBD(CF): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Computer Files Recommended by the ISBD(CF) Review Group. 1997

Estudios acerca de la estructura lógica funcional de las AARC2.

Annotated Text and Revised Edition. Prepared by the ISBD Review Committee Working Group set up by the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing.


Portal dedicado a recopilar recursos útiles en el área de procesos técnicos

This site has been created for architects, librarians, design consultants, and students interested in planning and building libraries. The purpose of this page is to provide an outline of key resources available online.

Portal bibliotecario dedicados a la gestión de colecciones y adquisiciones

Approved by the ACRL Board at the 1989 Midwinter Meeting and the ALA Standards Committee at the 1989 Annual Conference

Libro de Michael Buckland publicado en 1988 acerca de los fundamentos y funciones de los servicios bibliotecarios.