• Etiquetas: automatización de bibliotecas
Innovative Applications in Libraries outlines and links to new and interesting ways libraries are making use of the Web (form and content).

A centre of expertise in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information, education and cultural heritage communities.

Programa sostenido por Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) dedicado al relevamiento y evaluación de recursos informáticos aplicables en bibliotecas

Sitio del Grupo Isis de San Pablo, Brasil.

Guía confeccionada por docentes de la Ecola de Ciência da informçäo

Requerimientos funcionales para registros bibliográficos. IFLA (1997)

ALA. Task Force on the Review of the IFLA Guidelines for OPAC Displays

Intersante weblog sobre tecnología en el ámbito de las bibliotecas y los servicios documentales

MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media describes the structure of MARC 21 records, the character repertoires and encodings used, and the formatting of records for exchange on via electronic file transfer, diskettes, and magnetic tape. This document provides technical information on these topics and is intended for the use of personnel involved in the design and maintenance of systems for the exchange and processing of MARC 21 records.

Artículo de Klaus Paul realizando una evaluación compartiva entre estas dos tipos de bases de datos.

MODELS is a UKOLN initiative supported by the Electronic Libraries Programme and the British Library. It is motivated by the recognised need to develop an applications framework to manage the rapidly multiplying range of distributed heterogeneous information resources and services being offered to libraries and their users.

Versión en línea del texto de Jesús Tramullas "Introducción a la Documática". informática aplicada a la documentación.

Sitio dedicado al estandar OpenURL, un estandar propuesto por la NISO para integrar información bibliográfica estructurada (metadata) en aplicaciones web.

Sitio dedicado a la investigación, desarrollo y difusión del FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records = Requerimientos funcionales para registros bibliográficos)

This document provides guidelines for people implementing Dublin Core metadata applications using XML. It considers both simple (unqualified) DC and qualified DC applications. In each case, the underlying metadata model is described (in a syntax neutral way), followed by some specific guidelines for XML implementations. Some guidance on the use of non-DC metadata within DC metadata applications is also provided.

Manual de Winisis desarrollado por el Grupo Argentino Winisis ofrecido por la CNEA, distribuidor Nacional CDS/ISIS.