• Idioma es exacto "Inglés"
RASD Ad Hoc Committee on Behavioral Guidelines for Reference and Information Services. Approved by the RASD Board of Directors, January 1996.

Calendario de eventos profesionales. Mayormente en Estados Unidos


Capítulo de libro de Susan Leigh Star. Un acercamiento filosófico y sociológico a la clasificación como actividad.


Innovative Applications in Libraries outlines and links to new and interesting ways libraries are making use of the Web (form and content).

A centre of expertise in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information, education and cultural heritage communities.

Programa sostenido por Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) dedicado al relevamiento y evaluación de recursos informáticos aplicables en bibliotecas

Directorio de enlaces recopilado por el Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) sobre herramientas informáticas aplicables en el campo de la lingüística. Muchas de ellas resultan útiles para el desarrollo de lenguajes controlados, cálculos de fercuencia y relevancia.

Guidelines for the Preparation of Policies on Library Access. Prepared by the ACRL Access Policy Guidelines Task Force C&RL News, December, 1992.

Association of College and Research Libraries . Objectives for Information Literacy Instruction: A Model Statement for Academic Librarians. Approved by the ACRL Board Jan. 2001.

Sitio dedicado al estudio, debate y difusión de los aspectos sociales y socioeconómicos de la información.

Repertorio de herramientas para búsqueda de distintos tipos de recursos disponibles en la Web.

Herramienta para administrar weblografías. Permite además administrar citas e imágenes.


Biblioteca digital de sitios y otros recursos culturales en formato electrónico. Dispone de un registro histórico de sitios en internet.

Aplicación que permite editar, exportar e importar registros MARC. Incluye un cliente Z39.50.

Here are two little toys in Excel. Using them you can build your own Neural Network models for prediction and classification in Excel.

School Library Media Quarterly Online (ISSN 1098-738X) is an official journal of the American Association of School Librarians. The purpose of the journal is to publish substantive, refereed articles to inform, inspire, motivate, and assist school library media practitioners in integrating theory and practice; to encourage scholarship and research in the school library media field, education, psychology, and other related disciplines.

Effective library and information skills instructional programs not only help students acquire the skills they will need to solve their information problems, but also stimulate intellectual curiosity and encourage continued information seeking and exploration. This article describes some well-known theories and concepts of motivation and how they relate to library and information skills instruction. Illustrations of the integration and application of motivation models to library and information skills instruction and some relevant areas for future research on motivation in this context are suggested. By Ruth V. Small

The authors summarize the proceedings of two major conferences, the Treasure Mountain Research Retreat VI and the International Association School Librarianship conference. In addition, the authors look at the entire history of information literacy and bring together the theory development, the research, and practice in school libraries since the late 1980s. Information literacy and critical thinking ideas from the fields of education, cognitive psychology and educational technology have been included.

Ontologies: Principles, Methods and Applications (1996).Mike Uschold, Michael Grüninger. Knowledge Engineering Review