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Draft Guidelines for Cataloging CD-ROMs at Yale March 1, 1999 (revised Sept. 21, 2001). Bajo formato MARC21.
Requerimientos funcionales para registros bibliográficos. IFLA (1997)
Propuesta de rol realizada por la American Association of School Librarians (ALA) para la integración del bibliotecario a la gestión escolar
Nueve indicadores de alfabetización informacional establecidos por la AASL/ALA.
Conjunto de declaraciones de posición o postulados establecidos por la AASL.
Artículo de Shirien Chappell sobre planificación y desarrollo de aspectos edilicios y de infraestructura en bibliiotecas. Incluye fórmulas para cáluculos espaciales y otras herramientas técnicas útiles
Compiled by Victoria Irons Walch for the Working Group on Standards for Archival Description with contributions by Marion Matters
The IFLA Section of Public Libraries is preparing a new version of IFLA's Guidelines for Public Libraries. Two drafts have been circulated and debated at the IFLA Conferences on Amsterdam (1998) and Bangkok (1999). I am attaching a third draft which will be presented at the IFLA Conference in Jerusalem in August 2000.
ALA. Task Force on the Review of the IFLA Guidelines for OPAC Displays
Structures Of Corporate Name Headings, Examples contributed by the members of the IFLA Section on Cataloguing. Working Group on the Revision of FSCH. Final Report - November 2000.
This paper presents the results of a survey on national bibliographies among the members of the Conference of Directors of National Libraries in 2001. by Unni Knutsen.
Proceedings of the tenth seminar of the IFLA Section on Library Buildings and Equipment. The City Library of the Hague (Netherlands), Sunday 24 August 1997 to Friday 29 August 1997.